Church of the City
Information Architecture | Visual Design
The Church of the City community is made of up of roughly 2000 members - with an additional international reach that consumes their online content. Although the church has such a large reach, the website metrics showed that fewer than 10% of page visitors would revisit the page every month. My goal was to ensure that the information that the website contained was relevant, and displayed in a manner that would make for a pleasant experience.
When conducting Research, we observed that many attendee's would feel overwhelmed when using the site, and some would exit the page without accomplishing their initial goals due to the overload of available information.
What was missing in COTC's website was empathy for their users. We first began by defining their user groups and establishing a hierarchy of information based on the users. The users fell into three main groups:
- Consistent attendees
- First Time attendees
- Remote Consumers
Once we realized our user groups, we went ahead with restructuring the website. This was done with a focus on the Home Page and Navigation menu, which we hypothesised could be restructured to aid our different user groups down their commonly used journeys.
Home Page
Restructuring the Home Page allowed for us to ensure our core users can find what they often need on the home page. What's happening this week - what time service is - links to socials and live streams
Navigation Menu
The Navigation was restructured so that the most commonly used pages were highlighted
Once the core users were identified we were able to define and structure the content in order to meet the desires of those 3 groups. The ways that was implemented was focused on
These changes improved our returned usage from 10% to 30%.